LV Stegar I Norden AB 

Welcome to our homepage. LV Stegar i Norden AB is the agent for Louisville Ladder Corp.® which is located in Louisville, Ky., USA, where they have been the leading manufacturer and supplier of quality industrial ladders since 1946. LV Stegar AB manages the distribution of fiberglass industrial ladders in the Scandinavian countries.

The product was introduced in Sweden 1989 by Nedwick Trading, and is now reorganized with the present name. The sales office and warehouse of LV Stegar AB is located at Grundsvik, near Frandefors, 100 km north of Gothenburg.

Office & Warehouse
Grundsvik 330
462 96 Frandefors
Phone 46-521-42110 Fax 46-521-42115 E-mail